BiomecaForce, the start of a long history
Updated: Feb 24, 2021
To be able to be used in sports engineering, a system must be able to optimize to the maximum of the force readings applied on and by the body, and that with the lowest possible price to be used by all: because indeed since the years 98 or Jean Jacques RIVET, CTO of BIOMECAFORCE, entered into this approach for the innovative time, it seemed essential to him to free himself from systems such as the Vicon or Kistler platform which, even if it was very efficient, was too expensive to be used in Applied biomechanics ...
basis of fundamental Biomechanics for research, but afterwards it was necessary to create other ways of analysis and work: in 1999, JJ will create the first Bi platform (Patent n ° FR2884405), with the possibility of era of being connected to kinematic analysis system.
JJ's research was therefore to know which was the most discriminating game of forces to be known, to analyze and develop a golf swing, therefore with regard to force platforms, which of the 3 directions of force applications was the most discriminating. Hence the cost of the sensors and the design was much cheaper. The throwing sports literature and JJ's experience in rugby and football, convinced him that vertical forces were the most interesting, so he went on this force platform design (patent image). always seemed important with a force platform, to get closer to what a 6-axis platform could give us in terms of shear force and lateral displacement: with surgeons with whom he developed prostheses, he discovered the means to figure on a footprint the Hendrix bar (image) and by it to understand via the displacement of the vertical forces, an analogy of what can be seen when we have the 2 additional axes of the horizontal forces
1997 Study with the PhysioUnit department of ETour, coupling 3D kinematic analysis and FootScan (on-board force sole)
1998 first kinematic analysis coupling APAS System (3D) and Kystler force platform in the USA with David Leadbetter
2003 Patent of the first dual platform named Technoswing used by FFGolf and EuropeanTour
2004 Creation of ETPI and follow-up on the ETour of all players in terms of applied biomechanics
2005 development of a unique force platform coupled with a club head and ball tracker for Aboutgolf company
2018 Development of BMF
2017-2020 development of the UA golf shoe with the Biomecaforce plates